Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Richtree Market Restaurant Company

I wanted my first post on The Customer Service Blog to be a positive (in the end) experience. Companies are lucky in that, if they make a mistake, customers are usually patient enough that if they correct it, the customer will be more then satisfied in the end.

My girlfriend and I went to the Richtree restaurant in the BCE Place, Toronto for lunch. She basically just wanted a salad, and some stir fried vegetables for lunch, however, what they ended up charging her was $28! We basically felt that not only was this lunch not worth $28, but that the staff and the set-up was designed entirely to trick you into paying for more than you expect. You then go up to pay at the end of your meal, and you're in for a shock. My girlfriend was very upset by this experience, so I decided to write an email to Richtree explaining what happened and why we were upset. It took them about a week to respond, however, they informed me that they were sorry for our experience, and that they will mail her a $15 gift card.

I was shocked at this response, what a great way to apologize, and to show that they really do care. If more companies behaved like this we would all be much happier people. We will likely go back there now and give it another try, whereas, if they didn't do anything we wouldn't have ever gone back. This was definitely a smart business decision on their part.

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